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7 Retail Digital Signage Strategies to Boost Engagement

Written by Andreea | 25-Jul-2024

Capturing people's attention is increasingly difficult these days. With an average attention span of only 8.25 seconds, it is no surprise that most people prefer catchy visuals that draw them in. 

This is also true in the retail business where recent statistics show 76% of customers are more likely to check out a store that uses digital displays [1]. Today's article takes an in-depth look at the advanced retail digital signage strategies you can use to boost customer engagement.

Keep reading to discover: 

6 Reasons Why You Should Use Digital Signage in Your Store
7 Advanced Strategies for Retail Digital Signage 
How Schutrups Used Digital Signage to Improve the Customer Experience

6 Reasons Why You Should Use Digital Signage in Your Store


Using digital screens for advertising has many advantages. From getting more customers to notice your store to improving internal communication, here are 6 reasons why your business should embrace digital signs.

1. Drive Customers Into Your Store

As we discussed earlier, it is getting harder for retailers to stand out from their competitors. This is not only because people's attention spans keep getting shorter each year, but also because using regular posters is just not enough anymore.

Dynamic digital screens grab the attention of passers-by, with over 70% of American consumers entering stores they've never heard of based on digital signs alone [2].  

2. Build Brand Awareness

Digital signs can also help build your brand, ensuring brand messaging is consistent across all displays and locations. Not only that, they also showcase your brand's story, its value and unique selling points. 

In traditional shops, there are always those items near the cash register that catch your customer's eye. It can be a pack of gum, some socks, or makeup products. 

They are there to give potential buyers a "Sure, I'll have one" moment. 

It turns out modern display screens can have a big impact. Over 40% of shoppers say stores with screens showing ads and interactive content can make them buy a product. [3].

3. Gain Insights Using Data Analytics

Another great thing about this technology is that you can use it to gain insights into customer behaviour, allowing you to tailor your stock using data. 

By integrating sensors and cameras into your digital displays, you can collect valuable data that you can then use to make more informed decisions regarding which items to restock more often, for instance.

4. Highlight Products, Sales and Promotions

Moreover, retailers can also track how well promotions are doing, optimising them based on real-time data. This can prevent revenue losses by replacing products that do not receive as much interest. 

This is also reflected in recent studies with more than 60% of customers claiming that digital signage technologies have a significant impact on purchase decisions made at the point of sale [4].

5. Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Sustainability is gaining more and more importance these days. With global temperatures rising and the climate change effects impacting us all, it is more important than ever to look for ways to reduce CO2 emissions. 

This is where modern display screens are better than printed ads. Digital screens have an average lifespan of more than a decade and even after the shelf life, they can usually be recycled. 

When comparing the waste that gets produced by print, energy-efficient digital signage screens help reduce the environmental footprint of retail operations.

6. Improve Internal Communication

Last but not least, you can also use digital signs to improve internal communication with staff. This is because visual content is more effective, being viewed 94% more than text-based information [5].

Sharing important updates or showcasing training instructions on a display can therefore make it easier for your employees to retain the information shown. 

Moreover, using screens makes the learning process more relaxing as they can rewatch the content multiple times throughout the day while at work instead of having to read the information over and over again. 


 7 Advanced Strategies for Retail Digital Signage

Now that we have covered why your business should be using digital displays, it is time to discuss in more detail some of the best practices for retail digital signage. These strategies will help you elevate your digital screen advertising strategy by making it up-to-date with the latest industry trends and technological advancements.

1. Incorporating Personalised Content Delivery

One of the most effective ways to boost customer engagement is by incorporating personalised content delivery into your digital signage strategy. Personalisation can range from greeting customers by name to showcasing products tailored to their preferences based on past purchases or browsing history. 

For instance, you can use cameras to learn about your customer's demographics and tailor the content shown based on how close they are to the nearest screen in the shop. This dynamic approach not only engages shoppers but can also convince them to make the purchase. 

Recent studies show that 75% of consumers are more likely to engage with brands that offer tailored experiences [6].

2. Leveraging AI and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are powerful tools that can significantly enhance your retail digital signage strategy. 

As we already learned in the previous section, you can use digital signs to collect data about your customers. With AI, you can take this one step further. By analysing customer data, AI can predict shopping patterns and preferences, allowing you to display content that is most likely to resonate with your audience.

Machine learning algorithms can also help in optimising the placement and timing of your digital content. 

For example, if data shows that certain products are more popular at specific times of the day, your digital signs can automatically adjust to highlight these items during peak times. This dynamic approach ensures that your content remains fresh and engaging.

3. Data-Driven Decision Making

In addition to enhancing the consumer experience and optimising your content, using digital screens for real-time data collection can also help retailers make informed business decisions. 

For example, if a promotion on your modern display screens leads to more sales, you can use that same strategy for other products or locations. But if some content does not get customers as interested as expected, you can quickly switch to more effective messages. This process helps you keep improving your retail strategy to maximise engagement and sales.

4. Using Omnichannel Integration

Aligning the content on your digital screens with your other marketing channels creates a seamless and cohesive customer experience. This approach is called omnichannel integration. Using it ensures that your messaging is consistent across all touchpoints, whether it's in-store, online or on mobile devices.

Being consistent across all channels is crucial these days as research shows more than half of B2C customers engage with three to five channels each time they make a purchase or resolve a request [7]. 

For example, you can use digital signs to promote your store's app, encouraging customers to download it for exclusive offers. Similarly, QR codes displayed on digital screens can direct customers to your website or social media pages for more information about products and ongoing promotions. 

This interconnected approach not only enhances the customer journey but also reinforces your brand's presence across multiple platforms.

5. Real-Time Inventory Updates

Keeping your customers informed about product availability can greatly enhance their shopping experience. Digital signage can be used to display real-time inventory updates, letting customers know if an item is in stock, running low or sold out.

This strategy is particularly useful during sales events or product launches when demand is high. By providing up-to-date inventory information, you can manage customer expectations and reduce frustration caused by out-of-stock items

Additionally, real-time updates can drive urgency, encouraging customers to purchase before the item runs out.

6. Interactive Kiosk Displays

Interactive kiosk displays are a great way to engage customers and provide them with a more immersive shopping experience. These kiosks can offer a range of functionalities, from product browsing and ordering to personalised recommendations and customer feedback.

By allowing customers to interact with your digital signs, you create a more engaging and informative shopping experience. For example, a customer looking for a specific product can use a kiosk to check availability, compare options and even place an order for home delivery if the item is out of stock. 

This level of interactivity not only enhances the customer experience but also increases the likelihood of sales.

7. Mobile Integration

In today's digital age, most customers use smartphones, making mobile integration a crucial aspect of your retail digital signage strategy. By integrating your digital signs with mobile technology, you can create a more connected and interactive shopping experience.

For instance, digital screens can display QR codes that customers can scan with their smartphones to access additional product information, reviews or special offers. 

You can also use proximity marketing to send notifications to customers' phones when they are near a specific display, drawing their attention to promotions or new arrivals.

Case Study: How Schutrups Used Digital Signage to Improve the Customer Experience

Schutrups, a family-owned shoe store in the Netherlands, utilised Samsung MagicINFO digital signage to enhance its customer experience and streamline store operations.

Enhancing Customer Flow and Reducing Wait Times

To begin with, Schutrups needed to reduce the perceived waiting time for their customers. To tackle this issue, MagicInfo Services helped them use a number system to manage the line of customers. This made the process more efficient and made customers feel like they did not have to wait as long.

Real-Time Appointment Management

To further enhance the customer experience, Schutrups used MagicINFO to manage appointments in real time. This feature ensured that customers could book and manage their visits seamlessly, minimising disruptions and optimising the shopping experience. 

The screens also displayed appointment information and updates, keeping customers informed and reducing the need for physical interactions with staff.

Personalised Content Delivery

MagicINFO allowed Schutrups to dynamically showcase their diverse product range, including seasonal collections and special promotions. The flexibility of this technology meant that displays could be quickly updated to reflect current inventory and marketing campaigns.

This ensured that customers always had access to the latest product information, enhancing their shopping experience and driving overall sales.

Scalability for Future Growth

By using MagicINFO, Schutrups prepared their display system to easily grow in the future. This cost-effective display solution can add more screens and new store locations, so the system can expand as the business grows. This scalability allows Schutrups to maintain a consistent and engaging customer experience across all their retail environments.

In summary, Schutrups leveraged Samsung MagicINFO digital signage to create a more interactive, personalised and efficient shopping experience. This innovative approach not only improved customer satisfaction but also positioned Schutrups for future growth and success in the competitive retail market.



Today's article was an in-depth look at 7 of the best strategies you can incorporate into your retail digital signage advertising strategy. Reading this piece has equipped you with the right knowledge to help you make the most of your digital screens.

From learning about the many uses of real-time data to gain insights into customer preferences to using displays to offer personalised content, these strategies elevate the retail experience by making it resonate more with modern consumers. 

Moreover, the Schutrups case study demonstrated how effectively leveraging this technology can enhance the customer experience, reduce wait times and drive sales. 

As the retail industry continues evolving, embracing these strategies will be crucial for sustained growth and success.